Thursday, January 31, 1963
Dear Diary,
Bad day at work. Still no letter from Harry! Another blue nite. Stauffers and I hunted for Schraders in Sturgis tonite. Come home. Finally came. Went to David D for eats. Sad goodbyes.
Wednesday, January 9, 1963
Dear Diary,
went to work. Was nervous (walked uptown) walk til I to home. Tried hard to make gain. Tonitemen came for singing. Teed & Else walked over, Esther went back with them - come after me. Sewed over there. Come back & had fun goofing off. Stayed til midnight & after.
Friday, January 4, 1963
Dear Diary,
Work went still easier today. Went up town today. Tonite had a farewell party for girls. Really surprised them.
Farewell guests: Lovina Hershberger, Barbara Mast, Ruthie, Alma, Pearl, P. Mandy, Blackie AB, Clara Sue, Edith Y., Betty Y., Sharon R. - girls went to get Ruth while others came. Played games. Had refreshments, stole each other’s cars, music, hid in bus til Pete’s road.