Monday, July 22, 1963
Dear Diary,
Pretty good day. Wrote letter tonight. Went to dentist. Stormed again.
Saturday, July 20, 1963
Dear Diary,
Watched eclipse of the sun.
Took Robert to work - he was walking, then took John W. home. Cleaned up porch & house. Went to Almas this aft. Amos come to pick up Laura Jean. Ask me to say Hi & I refused. Harvey too. Had birthday party for Fred. Dull but at least no drinks, not much anyway. Lev came, brot me home. Nice guy.
Thursday, July 4, 1963
Dear Diary,
Tried to go to Buck Lake but no. Went to Stauffers, Anna & girls & us went to Walgreens for sup. Went to Colon to Fireworks. Sara(?) & Alma went along. Got food at A&W. Met Sherm, Neal, Ralph B. & Andy T. Went to Colon, MI. Made pie, played instruments, til 3:00. Fun.
Saturday, February 23, 1963
Dear Diary,
Got done a little earlier. Ruthie came about noon. Had Timmy & Rose Ellen. Mom, Don, went to dentist. Jake was posed to come & pick u up to go to Nap but guess the weather was too bad. Harvey & Ohio kids come again. Est had the tall Vern Miller. Ruth & I listened to the Opry. Annie came this aft.
Saturday, February 2, 1963
Dear Diary,
Done Saturday's work. About 5:30 this PM Harvey S. come from ___ with 2 car loads of kids. They left & come back about 8:30. Est left with Orwin B and Clarence Y. I went with Harvey & gang. My date was Sam Y. Got Ruthie, Rosemary & Erma Y & went to Sturgis. Got hit by car. Sat in police station for 2 hrs! Boys had to stay. Us girls got to come home. Cops brought us. Didn't have any beer!
Wednesday, January 9, 1963
Dear Diary,
went to work. Was nervous (walked uptown) walk til I to home. Tried hard to make gain. Tonitemen came for singing. Teed & Else walked over, Esther went back with them - come after me. Sewed over there. Come back & had fun goofing off. Stayed til midnight & after.
Friday, January 4, 1963
Dear Diary,
Work went still easier today. Went up town today. Tonite had a farewell party for girls. Really surprised them.
Farewell guests: Lovina Hershberger, Barbara Mast, Ruthie, Alma, Pearl, P. Mandy, Blackie AB, Clara Sue, Edith Y., Betty Y., Sharon R. - girls went to get Ruth while others came. Played games. Had refreshments, stole each other’s cars, music, hid in bus til Pete’s road.