Sunday, November 6, 2011

Thursday, November 30, 1961

"Dear Diary,
Heard from Ruth Ann. Mom went to Grama's quilting. I mopped kitchen, washed windows, & cleaned the whole thing. Also baked pies."
Wednesday, November 29, 1961

"Dear Diary,
Big Josie was here for dinner. Mom went over to Pete Stauffer's to risht(?) for Grandma this aft. I ironed & baby sat."
Tuesday, November 28, 1961

"Dear Diary,
Washed my head & ironed."
Monday, November 27, 1961

"Dear Diary,
Nothing special."
Sunday, November 26, 1961

"Dear Diary,
Sat home all day, didn't feel like eating or anything. Marv come down this aft & I told him first what I thought of him. He asked me to go along to the singing. I finally decided to go. Sorta wish I wouldn't have. Got teased. Buggy broke on way to singin' so I come home with Ann & Clara Sue & Alma. Est come home with Vern."
Saturday, November 25, 1961

"Dear Diary,
Felt bad all day - didn't do much. Alma come over for the wk-end. Marv didn't come 'til about 9. Thought it was going to be a good nite but turned out terrible. Marv (did something foolish)! I was just sick. He's done so much to worry me lately. Vern & Levi brought me home."
Friday, November 24, 1961

(Dad's Birthday)
"Dear Diary,
Ma & Dad went to Allen Co. with Levi's & Rudy's. Ruth & Arlene stayed her. Got a private letter from Ruth Ann today & an invite to Jo Fray's wedding."
Thursday, November 23, 1961

"Dear Diary,
Went to Sam's for dinner. Saw Marv - he went hunting at Sam's again. Didn't talk to him though. Levi's were here for supper. Est went home with Ruth."
Wednesday, November 22, 1961

"Dear Diary,
Didn't do much of anything today. Tonite I started worrying again about Marv. I sure wish I could talk to him."
Tuesday, November 21, 1961

"Dear Diary,
Went to Sam's for dinner today. Got over there & there was Marv's buggy!! Saw Jake & Barb's new house & boy. Got home & had a letter from Marv! He ask me to take him up again! Was so happy I coulda cried. He stopped in on his way home from hunting & I gave him my answer. Yes - of course."
Monday, November 20, 1961

"Dear Diary,
Got up early 'cause I couldn't sleep. I cried quite a lot. Wrote Ruth Annn a 4-page letter. This aft. we went to Levi Y's to paint church benches. Marv was there. I really cried when I got home. Don't know why I had to see him to remind me."
Sunday, November 19, 1961

"Dear Diary,
Went to church with the folks. After church we went to Pete's - Ruth Ann, Alma, Marv, Harv, Lizbeth, Mary L., Robb., Est, Ruthie, & I were all over there for supper. Vern & some boys were there too. Est went to singin' with them. Marv & I come home - didn't talk. Finally he got mad & then we talked. He told me he didn't want to go steady any more. I was just sick. He said he still loved me & would take me out once in a while. I cried & couldn't sleep good."
Saturday, November 18, 1961

"Dear Diary,
Cleaned house. Annie came at 9:30 AM (bus). Marv didn't show up again. Cried awhile but guess that don't help much."
Friday, November 17, 1961

"Dear Diary,
Didn't do much of anything."
Thursday, November 16, 1961

"Dear Diary,
Est stayed home from school today so we could go to the wedding supper. Worked all day on new clothes then it was rainy & windy & didn't expect Marv to show up so Est didn't get ready. I did. He come & Est couldn't go. First wedding supper I ever went to. Talked to Alma & Ruth Ann. Seemed good to see Marvin during the week."
Wednesday, November 15, 1961

"Dear Diary,
Made a light green dress today. Laura (Helmuth) Yoder from Oklahoma was here today. Took Ma & Baby to Mommie's for a while."
Tuesday, November 14, 1961

"Dear Diary,
Went to town with Ray today. Went to the hospital to see Barb E. & her new boy. Bought wedding present for Tobe & Treva. Went to Jake's for supper & they brought me home. Barb is going steady with Forrest Troyer."
Monday, November 13, 1961

"Dear Diary,
Went to Pete Stauffer's & raked leaves all day."
Sunday, November 12, 1961

"Dear Diary,
Got up about 9. Had birthday dinner for Est & Donnie. Marv was here. This aft Marv & Dad & boys all went to Sam's. Marv & I went up there to chore. Saw Melvin on way up. Went to Nottawa & come home. Marv went home at 10. He nearly drove me nuts he felt so good after he saw Melvin."
Saturday, November 11, 1961

"Dear Diary,
Done Sat. work. Grandma was here for dinner. Marv stayed all nite."
Friday, November 10, 1961

"Dear Diary,
Est came home again this noon. I cleaned & mopped kitchen this forenoon. Ironed this aft. Big Jo sat here this aft. Tonite Est, Ruthie, Lulu, Jeanie & I all went down to Sue & Rudy's for supper."
Thursday, November 9, 1961

"Dear Diary,
Mom took Baby to doc again for 2nd shot. Est came home at noon. I ironed."
Wednesday, November 8, 1961

"Dear Diary,
Walked down to Dan's in our first snow storm this morn to call the doc. Baby had touch of pneumonia. Ironed this aft."
Tuesday, November 7, 1961

"Dear Diary,
Didn't get much done again today."